A trademark is a way of identifying a unique product or service, such as a business name or logo. Learn more about trademarks, what you need to do before registering, and how long protection lasts. A trademark is not the same as a company, business, or domain name. However, you can have exclusive rights to your business name by protecting it with a trademark.
A registered trademark gives you exclusive rights to use, licence and sell the mark. This means no one else in Australia can commercially use your trademark for the same goods or services you have registered for. It’s also a valuable marketing tool because the value of your trademark increases with the success of your business.
4webmarketing provides Australian trademark registration services to aid business owners or traders and their products and protect their rights. The purpose of an Australian trademark is to ensure that there is a clear and visible connection established between the business and its goods and services.
The trademark Australia system has to indicate the direct connection by distinguishing the business and their goods and services from another business, which cannot be confused or mistaken with another trademark in Australia of another business owner or entrepreneur.
However, the cost of trademark registration can often be prohibitive for small businesses. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to get the cheapest trademark registrations Australia has to offer. So if you're looking to protect your brand, read on!
Ultimate List Of Trademark Registrations Australia
Company 123 - Trademark Registrations Australia
+61 3 98320660
Company 123 Pty Ltd is an Australian company (ACN 169 119 242) whose aim is to simplify the company registration process for those wishing to incorporate a business. We’re here to save you the time and the stress associated with an otherwise lengthy and complicated process.
We are a registered ASIC registered agent, and our founding accountant and solicitor have a wealth of experience incorporating companies in Australia.
Advanced, automated and simple company registration 24 hours a day. We offer a fully automated, quick and cost-effective company registration process. By completing an easy form, within 5 minutes, you will receive full company registration documents setting up an Australian private company. We offer full customer support (telephone and email) 24 hours a day. It could not be any simpler, register your company today.
Why register a trade mark?
- A registered trade mark gives you the exclusive legal right to use, license and sell your intellectual asset in Australia.
- Registering a company name, a business name, or a domain name does not give you exclusive rights to use that name.
- If infringed, you may serve a notice to object to the importation of goods that infringes your registered trade mark.
Why engage Company123?
- We’re a passionate start-up and strive to provide you with the best service when it comes to registering trade mark because we understand that your business name or logo is the most valuable marketing tool
- We have expert trade mark attorneys who are qualified lawyers in Sydney and Melbourne
- Call our friendly team with your queries and we will get back to you as soon as possible with detailed answer
Why Use Us
- Quick and simple registration process.
- Company registered in less than 5 minutes.
- Full documentation emailed to you so you can start trading.
- ASIC agent 34511.
- Prepared by a qualified lawyer and accountant.
- Full telephone and email customer support are available 24 hours a day.
- The simplest and most cost-effective company registration process available.
Laminar IP Patent Attorneys - Trademark Registrations Australia
(02) 8379 1244
Laminar IP is a boutique firm of Australian Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys based in Sydney, Australia. We assist international clients with establishing and managing their patent, design and trademark rights in Australia and New Zealand. Our team of experienced Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys represents clients of all sizes, from individual innovators to multinational corporations, across a wide range of industries. As a firm, we are committed to streamlining the patent, design and trademark process in Australia and New Zealand by providing high-quality, efficient and cost-effective services for our clients.
A granted patent provides a legally enforceable right to exclude others from exploiting an invention for a limited period of time. Laminar IP provides the following services in relation to patents:
- Advice on the patentability of inventions;
- Drafting of patent specifications;
- Filing of patent applications;
- Prosecution of patent applications;
- Patent searches and watches;
- Validity advice;
- Infringement advice;
- Patent oppositions;
- Patent renewals (i.e., annuities); and
- Patent portfolio management.
A registered design provides protection for the shape, configuration, pattern and ornamentation of a product. Laminar IP provides the following services in relation to registered designs:
- Advice on the registrability of designs;
- Filing of design applications;
- Prosecution of registered designs;
- Design searches and watches;
- Validity advice;
- Infringement advice;
- Design renewals; and
- Design portfolio management
Trade Marks
A registered trademark provides an exclusive right to use the trademark in relation to the goods and services it is registered for. Laminar IP provides the following services in relation to trademarks:
- Advice on brand creation and protecting trademarks;
- Filing of trademark applications;
- Prosecution of trademark applications;
- Trademark renewals;
- Non-use removal actions and revocation actions;
- Trademark searches and watches;
- Trademark oppositions; and
- Trademark portfolio management.
Trama - Trademark Registrations Australia
(+61) (08) 7743 6382
End-to-end protection of your brand thanks to a unique combination of strong legal background and technology expertise.
- In 18 months, we have grown from 10 to over 300 registered trademarks per month, which ranks us among the top 10 providers in Europe.
- With the goal of becoming a preferred trademark registration service worldwide, we continuously strive to redefine the brand protection sector, offering our clients dedicated support and unparalleled service to protect their #1 asset.
- With Trama, registering a trademark is just a few clicks away. We verify your trademark in less than 24 hours and simultaneously register it in any country. It’s simple. It’s fast. And it’s guaranteed to work. Or we give your money back.
Trademark Maintenance
Representation, assignment, renewal and statement of use globally for your convenience
Registration Support
Preparation of cease & desist letters, responses and negotiation of settlements the easy way
Enforcement & Litigation
Preparation of cease & desist letters, responses and negotiation of settlements the easy way
We take pride in our clear and transparent pricing. Therefore, we work with clients on a project basis, estimating the scope of the service in advance. The pricing below assumes a standard project, which may be adjusted depending on a specific case. Pricing does not include government filing fees.
FAQs Trademark Registrations Australia
You can do a quick search on IP Australia’s website to see if the trademark is registered or currently being registered. You can also contact a separate service provider for more in-depth analysis and trademark search.
They will also determine the likelihood of your trademark being successfully registered in Australia. To help ensure that your trademark does not conflict with a registered mark, you should search the free Australian Trade Mark Online Search System for registered or pending trademarks associated with similar goods or services.
A registered trademark gives you exclusive rights to use, licence and sell the mark. This means no one else in Australia can commercially use your trademark for the same goods or services you have registered for. It’s also a valuable marketing tool because the value of your trademark increases with the success of your business.
An Australian trademark provides protection only within Australia. However, there are two ways Australian trademark owners can seek trademark protection overseas:
- Via an application filed directly to each country
- Via a single international application filed through the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) nominating the Madrid member countries in which protection is sought
There is one good reason to register your trademark right away: delaying your application increases the risk of infringement. To ensure you retain the rights to your trademark, you should consider filing an application now, even if your product is not yet market-ready.
You can apply to register a trademark before you start offering products or services under that brand to the public. Unregistered trademarks are only protected if they are well known to the public. A registered trademark is presumed valid. Certificate of registration of the ownership of the mark.
It usually takes between 12-18 months for a trademark to be registered, with some cases stretching to 2 years. The length of the process does not affect the ‘effective’ date of registration, which will be the original filing date. Lastly, it is important to note that trademark registration takes a minimum of eight months to achieve registration. This means it is essential to get an application filed as soon as possible to ensure that your mark is as well-protected as it can be.
Caska IP - Trademark Registrations Australia
(02) 4040 9890
“We are working with some of Australia’s very best engineering and software companies to secure valuable patents rights in Australia and internationally - it makes a huge difference having an attentive specialist working on your case from start to finish.”
Working With Us
IP Partners
We take the time to get to know you, your business and your IP. Our flexible, hands-on approach leads to the best outcomes.
We are registered patent and trade marks attorneys – your information disclosed to us is covered by federal confidentiality laws and legal privilege.
Our lean business structure and cutting edge systems allow us to be highly cost-effective – you’ll get better IP rights – and – have lower costs.
Quality Services
Quality means considering the detail, outsmarting the market, and making sure you achieve your commercial outcomes whilst understanding the process along the way.
We are patent and trademarks specialists – you’ll find us supporting many of Australia’s top innovative companies start-ups and providing counsel to law firms.
Creative Thinking
Our practice is defined by new and creative thinking. Many of our cases have been successful by being creative – and this distinguishes our practice above others.
Nominu - Trademark Registrations Australia
(02) 4320 9812
Nominus.com is a leading global brand protection company specialising in international trademark registration and domain registration services. Our mission statement is: To help our clients protect and develop their brands globally. With extensive experience, we have provided services to clients worldwide, always doing our best to exceed their expectations. We believe that building strong relationships with our employees, clients, and providers is the basis for a successful business.
Domain Names
Register, protect, and manage your Domain Name in over 1,000 domain extensions, including ccTLDs and gTLDs. Our backend is directly connected to the most relevant domain registries, allowing us to give you the best domain experience at a very competitive rate.
Register, protect, and manage your trademark in over 200 countries and territories. Our team of experienced Trademark Attorneys and Account Managers ensure that you receive high-quality personalised service.
Trademarkings Registrations Australia
03 8593 9577
Trademarks were created by Daniel McIntosh, trademark attorney. Daniel worked as an intellectual property lawyer in traditional law firms for several years. He quickly realised that much of the work of a law firm is administrative and paralegal work. Believed there could be a way that clients only paid for legal work and not a paralegal or administrative work. And so, ten years ago, he started his firm, which has since gone on to challenge the big established law firms, at only a fraction of the costs.
How is this done? Essentially by digitising and modernising every system and function of a trademark attorney firm. We don’t have traditional offices, don’t have nice couches, and don’t offer coffee. However, we do have an array of trademark specialists ready to help you at a moment’s notice. We use the most sophisticated digital management system, we always get back to you immediately, and we still have a 91% success rate.
Every trademark is handled personally by one of our trademark specialists to ensure your matter gets the proper attention.
Why Trademarks Is For You
Trademarks are an innovative trademark service leading the charge in modernising the trademark application process. Legal services, just like many other industries, are being revolutionised by the digital age. Legal work that previously was arduous and cumbersome has now been greatly simplified through technology such as online databases, digital client management and, more recently, artificial intelligence. If used effectively, this can mean better, faster and cheaper services for clients.
Trademarks are at the absolute forefront of this revolution of legal services. By continuing to improve our efficiency, Trademarks (and its predecessor company) has not raised its fees in 10 years. Inflation-adjusted fees are 40% lower than they were ten years ago! In addition, our quality of service remains unsurpassed, with a 91% success rate.
Quick Off The Mark - Trademark Registrations Australia
1800 35 25 54
About Quick Off The Mark® Trademarks – Quick Off The Mark Trademarks provides trademark services throughout Australia and Internationally. If you need practical trademark advice, not academic answers, Quick Off The Mark’s sound knowledge can offer businesses the best trademark advice along with the best customer experience in Australia, with low fixed fees.
- Customer Service– We are FIRST for customer service – YOU are the most important thing to us
- Australia Wide – we cover ALL of Australia; NSW, QLD, VIC, SA, WA, NT, ACT & TAS.
- Cost-effective – we are the best value company offering the best price guaranteed.
- Quick fast processing times – we process your order on the same day for maximum protection.
- Transparency – We offer full disclosure and transparency regarding your application
- Communication – Always call and speak directly to us.
- Fixed Fee Guarantee – we guarantee the price you agree to is the price you pay – Guaranteed.
Quick Off The Mark Trademarks applies modern commercial principles in running a business and can help you develop your business whichever way you want to go. This website will give you a flavour of what Quick Off The Mark Trademarks can do, but there is no substitute for meeting the minds and working together.
For most business people, deciding whether to call a trademark professional should be like deciding whether to go to the doctor. If you have severe chest pain, odds are you’re not going to hesitate to call your GP or make it to the emergency room. But if you just have a bad cold, you might wait a few days to see if it turns into pneumonia before you drag yourself to the dreaded doctor’s office. But in other instances, it might not be so clear.
For instance, do you need a trademark professional when you’re about to start a business? Dissolving one? Buying or selling a business? Hiring high-level employees? Since legalities seem to permeate even the most basic business decisions — and trademark professionals have helped this perception along — you might be afraid to tackle a trademark issue without the help of a professional trademark consultant.
Or, on the flip side, you might have had a bad experience with a lawyer or a trademark attorney in the past that was enough to put you off them forever, no matter what the cost. Well, don’t despair! Quick Off The Mark are professional trademark consultants who emphasise you, the client, and will provide you with the best trademark advice at the best price.
Trademark Services
Our trademark services make you stand out amongst your competitors and ensure that consumers identify your products and services from those of your competitors. Therefore, it is important to properly register your trademark in order to protect your unique brand, as well as your goodwill. In addition, our trademark services protect you from competitors gleaning business off of your success through the unlawful use of your mark.
Your trademarks can include your business name and logo, as well as shapes, colours, scents, images, and packaging, so long as these things uniquely identify your products and services. For example, the use of the following symbols can recognise a trademark:
- The trademark symbol can be used for an unregistered trademark for marketing goods or services.
- The registered trademark symbol ®, which can only be used once a mark has been successfully registered with IP Australia. It is unlawful to use this symbol in association with an unregistered mark.
We believe that providing comprehensive, start-to-finish trademark services is important in order to see clients through to the final stage of trademark applications – trademark registration. Our trademark services include trademark searches, applications, and registrations. We also offer assistance in trademark infringement cases, opposition matters, and more. Not only do we provide Australian registration trademark services: we can also assist you with international trademark registration matters. In addition, we can provide you with advice and information on adverse reports, international infringement issues, international opposition by third parties, and more.
Some Of Our Basic Trademark Services Include
- Conducting basic trademark searches and comprehensive trademark searches before filing trademark applications.
- Preparing and filing both Australian and overseas trademark applications.
- Responding to adverse reports issued by IP Australia.
- Monitor your marks for unauthorised and unlawful use.
Additional Trademark Services
There is a wide range of trademark services that we can offer you, including:
- Information concerning infringement
- Advice and assistance in relation to opposition
- Trademark licensing advice and agreements
- Advice concerning the assignment of trademark ownership
- Comprehensive trademark searches
- Preparation and filing of applications
- Trademark opposition and non-use issues
- Registration finalisation and the obtaining and issue of certificates
- The preparation, as well as filing and management, of Madrid Protocol applications
- Prepare, file, and manage international applications
- Responding to adverse reports
- The conciliation and expenditure of trademark-related disputes
- The organisation of your Australian and overseas trademark portfolios
- Monitoring for infringement and trademark renewal
We can also offer these trademark services:
- Process your application through to grant: This includes providing you with advice in response to examiner’s reports or office actions and filing a subsequent response to overcome grounds for rejection.
- Block Opposing Applications: We can assist you in preventing a competitor from registering a similar mark or help you defend your mark against a block filed against your registration application.
- Provide advice on infringement and freedom to operate: We can assist trademark holders who want to make infringement claims or assist businesses aiming to avoid unlawful infringement against another registered trademark holder.
- Easy payment plans: We can assist in the timely payment of trademark renewal fees.
NovelIP Investigations - Trademark Registrations Australia
0439 577 588
Investigations were conducted by a Registered Australian Trade Marks Attorney and Licensed Private Investigator with over 17 years of experience gathering and preparing evidence for Federal Court and IP Australia hearings. A list of published decisions citing our work is available on request. Please contact us. Our reports are provided in a format that can be easily transferred into a Statutory Declaration or Affidavit. Intellectual Property Investigations can be complicated. It is not enough to merely establish use. Intellectual Property matters pivot on priority dates, nature of use, the user's identity, how and who applied the trademarks to the goods and services. Novel IP Investigations understands this. They understand Intellectual Property.
Our Principal is a Registered Australian Trade Marks Attorney, who holds a Masters of Intellectual Property Law from the University of Melbourne and has nearly 20 years of experience conducting investigations and strategic research covering all aspects of intellectual property – trademarks, designs, patents, copyright, plant breeders rights, trade practices (misleading and deceptive conduct) passing off and trade secrets.
We are abreast of the latest developments in intellectual property law and practice as well as general developments and case law around evidence collection such as Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Apple Pty Ltd (No 3) [2018] FCA 617. Our clients include trade marks attorneys, patent attorneys, barristers, firm-based lawyers and in-house counsel. Our reports, provided in a form easily transferred into Statutory Declaration or Affidavit form, are brief, on time and budgeted. Our reports are provided in a format that can be easily transferred into a Statutory Declaration or Affidavit.
“Trade Mark Investigations can be complicated. It is not enough to merely establish use: matters pivot on priority dates, nature of use, the identity of the user and how and who applied the trademarks to the goods or services.” NovelIP Trade Mark Use Investigations give you the information you need to be able to advise your clients confidently in a range of circumstances and contexts, including:
- Trade Marks Act 1995 Section 92 Removal Applications
- Opposition to Registration
- Defending Rights
- Confirming/discrediting competitors’ evidence, e.g. earlier use of similar trademark, reputation, etc.
- Identifying common law trademarks
- Identifying generic use of your client’s trademark or that of their competitor
- Bad faith arguments
- Trade Practices Act 1974 Section 52 misleading and deceptive conduct claims
- Generic use undermining trademark strength
A fully qualified and experienced Registered Trade Marks Attorney, who understands the complexity and nuance of trademark use, will conduct the investigation and prepare a report that is presented in a way that is easily transferable to Statutory Declaration or Affidavit format.
We have been engaged by trade marks attorneys, patent attorneys, barristers, firm-based lawyers and in-house counsel. We begin our process with a common law trademark search, and our investigations and subsequent reports respond to a frame of reference that includes:
- Date ranges of use
- Whether any elements of the mark are being used together or separately
- The exact nature of goods and services that mark is being used for
- The geographic scope of the trademark use
- How the mark is applied to the goods and services, for example, the goods themselves, packaging, merchandising materials, etc.
- The scale of the use and the organisation using the mark
- The identity of the user – whether it is the owner, a related company or third party under a potential licensing agreement
- Whether the mark is being used to distinguish the origin of the goods or services dealt or a badge of allegiance
- How the mark is applied to the goods or services
- The trade channels through which the goods/services are offered
As an experienced Registered Trade Marks Attorney in Australia, NovelIP is also experienced in investigating the use of non-traditional trademarks such as colours, figurative marks, sounds and shapes. We have provided evidence in several high profile trademark cases, including Coca Cola Company v PepsiCo Inc (No 2) [2014] FCA 1287 (28 November 2014).
Trademarks Online - Trademark Registrations Australia
+61 (02) 8766 0692
Trademarks Online is a simple-to-use, self-service online trademark application platform to help you file for trademarks in Australia. Trademarks Online help you skip the lawyers and the logins to make the trademark application process as seamless as possible! We pride ourselves on helping businesses successfully register trademarks. The Trademarks Online platform is part of the Trademark Planet group. Having protected thousands of trademarks for customers worldwide, our team has now combined its legal expertise with smart technology to provide a 24/7 self-service process that saves business owners time, money and hassle.
No logins and no lawyers are necessary. We put the mind of a trademark attorney into our artificial intelligence engine to enable you to file your trademark application yourself, any time of day or night. After you apply, we take care of everything. We keep in touch and send you regular updates and notifications. Our experienced trademark consultants are easily contactable.
Trademark Registration Online
Trademarks Online are the easiest, most accurate and affordable way to protect your trademark in Australia without a lawyer. Our application platform helps you apply for trademark registration online yourself in four easy steps. The process is designed to make submitting a trademark application in Australia as trouble-free as possible. As a result, trademarks Online enable business owners to protect their brands better. Trademarks Online are part of the Trademark Planet group. After you submit your trademark application online using Trademarks Online, we’ll email you your receipt and confirmation of your trademark application. After that, we’ll take care of everything from here and email you updates at each stage of the trademark process.
We pride ourselves on helping businesses successfully register trademarks. Trademarks Online were developed by accomplished trademark attorneys who implemented the power of artificial intelligence to provide an innovative online platform:
- Self-service - fully-automated online trademark application platform
- Easy-to-use - apply for your trademark registration online in 4 easy steps
- Affordable - pricing is transparent and up to 60% cheaper than a lawyer. You only pay once.
- Fast - apply for your mark under 5 minutes
- Better protection - improves application quality by recommending approved goods and services
- Australia-specific - designed for registering trademarks in Australia
Queensland Government - Trademark Registrations Australia
13 QGOV (13 7466)
When applying to register a trademark, you need to search existing registered marks to determine whether:
- the trademark is distinctive enough to allow registration
- The trademark conflicts with any pre-existing registered marks or applications for the same kinds of goods or services as your product or service.
Once the application is accepted, it is advertised in the Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks. Interested parties are given the opportunity to oppose registration on certain specified grounds for three months. In the absence of any opposition, the mark is registered upon payment of the registration fee.
Requirements For Registration
To be registrable, your trademark must meet two major requirements:
No Conflict With Existing Trademarks
Your trademark must not conflict with pre-existing registered (or unregistered) trademarks.
You will not be able to register a trademark that is identical or deceptively similar to another trader’s registered trademark if the goods and services are similar. This is because having similar trademarks for similar products could confuse customers and lead to the other trader demanding that you cease use and take legal action against you if you do not.
To help ensure that your trademark does not conflict with a registered mark, you should search the free Australian Trade Mark Online Search System for registered or pending trademarks associated with similar goods or services. You should also do preliminary searches to help ensure that your trademark does not conflict with any similar names or marks being used by other traders, even if they are not registered as trademarks. A simple scan of the internet may reveal evidence of potential conflicts. The owners of unregistered trademarks may oppose the registration process for your mark or, in some circumstances, even take legal action under the common law of ‘passing off.
Sufficiently Distinctive
Your trademark must be sufficiently distinctive and not just a descriptive term ordinarily applied to the goods or services or a mark that other traders would need to use in the ordinary course of trade. Distinctiveness can be inherent or acquired. Inherent distinctiveness is the natural and unique appearance of your trademark.
The distinctiveness of a trademark can also be acquired through use in the marketplace; for example, if you have used the trademark extensively before filing for registration, your trademark may already distinguish the designated goods or services as being those of your business. Your trademark will be seen as sufficiently distinctive if you can establish this, and registration will be granted.
Trademarks that are sufficiently distinctive and unlikely to be used by other traders include:
- Invented or ‘concocted’ words such as KODAK. Note that simply putting two known words together to form a new word does not necessarily constitute an ‘invented’ word. For example, GOODBYE would not be considered an invented word.
- suggestive or emotive words such as LUCKY STRIKE for matches
- Words that are not descriptive of the goods and services, such as PICNIC for clothing.
Registration Costs
The fee structure for registering a trademark depends on the number of classes under which your goods or services are categorised. Most of the fees will be a multiple of the number of classes. In addition, there are a number of other fees that apply to other actions that may be required in relation to your trademark application. See IP Australia for a full list of these fees and payment methods. Legal fees for advising on trademark issues, preparing applications and progressing a trademark application to registration are additional to any fees payable to IP.
Australia and should be considered before seeking advice.
IP Australia offers an online service that can help you determine the suitability of your proposed trademark for registration. Called TM Headstart and available through IP Australia’s online services, it can help you identify any barriers that could prevent you from registering your proposed trademark. Fees for accessing the service are approximately $90 per class.
Trademark Classes
Each trademark is registered in relation to a range of goods and services. Following the Nice international classification system, the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth) defines 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services. A full list of classes can be found on the IP Australia website.
You need to decide under which class (es) you wish to protect your trademark. This requires identifying all goods and services in relation to which the mark will be used and matching them to the defined classes.
It is then necessary to prepare a specification describing your particular subset of goods and services within the class. It is not acceptable to simply specify ‘All (goods/services) in this class’. There are particular conventions for describing goods and services. Assistance can be found through the use of the classification search facility on the IP Australia website or by obtaining trademark attorney advice. A registered trademark only provides protection against the use of that mark by others in relation to the goods and services covered by the registration or similar goods and services.
TradeMarks Australia Registrations 
(02) 2240 9780
TradeMarks Australia advises and assists individuals and organisations in Australia and internationally with the process and procedures involved in the registration of trademarks and company formation, from search through to registration. We are also able to assist in other areas of intellectual property, such as Business Names, Domain Name Registration and Industrial Design Registration. We achieve this by liaising with the relevant Government authorities on your behalf. TradeMarks Australia™ is an Australian Intellectual Property and Business consulting firm, assisting organisations in Australia and Internationally.
With the ever-growing business population, we are constantly attending to the needs of businesses throughout Australia and internationally by providing useful information and services relating to business formation and intellectual property. This includes copyright, patents, industrial designs and trade secrets. We are made up of experienced professionals who, combined, have significant experience in all aspects of business development, trademark law and IP practice.
We are able to provide a larger range of services, helping us achieve our goal of becoming a ‘one-stop business shop. With the times constantly changing, we are aware that businesses are and, therefore, their needs. We pride ourselves on keeping up with the times and constantly providing an effective service.
We can attend to all your trademark requirements, such as the searching and provision of opinion, preparation and filing of trademark applications, including the reviewing of the Trademarks Office correspondence on your behalf, saving you valuable time, and therefore allowing you to focus on the more important day to day needs of your business or clients.
Mark My Words Trademark Services Pty Ltd Registrations Australia
(03) 8288 1411
Mark My Words Trademark Services Pty Ltd was established by Jacqui Pryor, who has more than 17 years of experience in the trademark industry. Before establishing Mark My Words Trademark Services Pty Ltd, Jacqui worked as a senior trademark consultant and business manager with other trademark companies for more than a decade. She is able to provide advice and assistance on trademark registration matters, infringement matters, opposition matters and can also assist with many other business enquiries. The company has expanded since 2011 to include further consulting and administrative staff. The team has a combined experience of more than 30 years working in trademark registration and consultation!
Have An Australian Trademark Search Conducted Before Filing A Trademark Application
Our full availability and infringement Australian trademark search will identify any possible conflicting trademarks, ensure your chosen trademark meets the registration requirements and also consider whether other parties may have unregistered rights that could pose problems for your chosen trademark. A full report, inclusive of written opinions and recommendations, will be sent to you within two working days to download the trademark search request form.
Alternatively, a good place to start is with our Free Trademark Search application, especially if you have not yet begun use of your trademark. If you intend to promote your trademark outside of Australia, we can also assist in trademark searches in other countries. We can similarly conduct trademark searches to your Australian trademark search where available. In some cases, we may not be able to access the databases of other countries; however, in these cases, we can engage the services of our international associates to conduct your trademark search.
Eagle gate Lawyers - Trademark Registrations Australia
1300 832 412
We provide fresh, modern and agile solutions to your legal needs. Leveraging our 10+ years of experience in Commercial law, IP law, ICT, Cyberlaw and our ten years of practical experience in the IT, forensics and encryption domains, we provide experience and peace of mind to our clients. Our experience in Intellectual Property and Technology Law is unmatched: EAGLE GATE is a specialised legal firm created to meet increased legal demands around intellectual property, emerging technologies, data security and privacy.
Consultancy And Fixed Fee Legal Services
We provide fresh, modern and agile legal solutions to allow you to make informed decisions and be competitive in your marketplace. We deliver clear, concise advice without legal speak.
The traditional time-based pricing of legal fees is outdated, unsuitable for most matters, and unsustainable. Time-based billing promotes efficiency and can lead to strained relations between lawyers and clients. The provision of legal services is no different to the provision of other professional consultancy services, and it should not be billed any differently.
EAGLE GATE offers fixed fee consultancy agreements which:
- provide commercial and technology legal advice for a fixed monthly fee; and
- Allow you to engage with us without the fear or uncertainty of time-based billing.
Consultancy agreements are most suited for those with ongoing legal needs.
Fixed fee project-based agreements are available for those who require advice for particular projects. Please complete the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss how we can assist your business.
Trademark Angel Registrations Australia
Trademark Angel is an International Trademark Registration Agency with offices in Canada and the UK. We offer trademark registration in multiple jurisdictions: Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, UK, EU, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Japan, South Korea, UAE, Turkey on a regular basis. We can also register your trademarks in other jurisdictions. We have over three decades of experience in the trademark field! We offer free trademark re-filing with our ALL IN, and BELLS AND WHISTLES packages should your trademark be refused or rejected.
We understand that today’s market is competitive.
That’s why you will get quality trademark registration at an affordable flat rate, meaning you won’t need to take a hammer to the piggy bank. If you have multiple trademarks, we’ll offer an unbeatable discount. Trademark search and the first consultation is always free. You have nothing to lose; contact us for a no-obligation chat on the phone, Skype or Zoom.
Register a trademark in Australia; you are in the right place if you think about it. Trademark Angel offers very competitive prices and is capable of doing all types of trademark work in Australia. The Trademark registration process is similar to the Canadian process, with notable differences.
Important Highlights Of The Australian Registration Process:
- There are two types of applications available: Standard and Head Start.
- With a Standard application, your application is assigned a serial number and examined after filing.
- With a Head Start application, your trademark does not appear in the system until an examiner reviews it and you’ve decided to proceed with the publication and advertisement of your trademark.
- With a Head Start application, your trademark will be examined within five working days of the request, and you can talk to the examiner to address any problems. It means your trademark is assessed prior to filing.
- Your trademark is reviewed on absolute and relative grounds, and it can be refused if there is a similar mark or if the mark is merely descriptive.
- No specimens of use or dates of use are required.
- You are looking at a straightforward trademark application eight months before your trademark registers.
We have a designated Australian practitioner, so we can take care of all your legal needs in Australia, from filing to opposition and litigation. We can also help with other legal matters related to registering a Trademark in Australia.
Melbourne It - Trademark Registrations Australia
(03) 9005 9345
A registered trademark gives you an exclusive right to use your name as a brand name for your listed goods or services. It can give you a stronger position to stop other companies from using your name on similar goods/services in Australia.
Protect Your Brand - Online And Offline
Whether you are starting something new or looking to protect something already existing, this is your opportunity to create your most valuable business asset. A registered trademark helps protect your identity when you promote your business and products - online and offline. But, crucially, it also differentiates you from your competitors and helps safeguard your brand. With over 17 years of experience in intellectual property, we’re trusted every day by companies around the world to protect key brands. So let us help you protect yours.
Broad Australian Protection
Registered trademarks provide coverage for the entire Australian jurisdiction. This means, for example, you can alert the Australian Customs and Border Protection Services to the importation of goods that infringe your trademark and seize them from entering the country. Trademarks are registered for ten years but can be renewed indefinitely.
Control Your Brand
Registered trademarks can be licensed and sold to other parties, creating valuable assets for your business. In addition, this gives you the flexibility and control to choose who and how other companies/people can use your name, should you decide to licence it.
Jump Trademarks Registrations Australia
Jump is an international trademark agency with the possibility of registration in any country in the world. So not only all countries of the Madrid system, but also the countries that do not fall under it. With local partners in each country, it is possible to research and register any trademark at the lowest cost. In this way, we determine the best filing strategy for national registrations and international trademarks. Therefore, you can be sure that you will get your trademark registered at the lowest cost.
Our unique knowledge of international trademark law ensures that we know exactly what requirements are set for registration. That is why we guarantee that your trademark will not be refused on a distinctive character. If this does happen, you will receive a new trademark application for free.
What We Are Proud Of
The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a global not-for-profit advocacy association of brand owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and related intellectual property to foster consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation.
The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property or AIPPI is a non-profit international organisation (NGO). Its members are intellectual property (IP) professionals, academics, intellectual property owners, and others interested in the subject.
The association for trademark- and Design Law (BMM) is a professional association of IP law experts and guarantees the professional quality of their members to make sure you are given professional consultancy and support during the registration of trademarks and designs.
Trademark Registration
File your trademark in any country in the world at the lowest cost. Then, find out which countries you need or choose directly from one of the most popular countries below…
Marshall IP Group - Trademark Registrations Australia
+61 (0)499 211
Marshall IP Group is your one-stop intellectual property and technology law service.
Marshall IP Group is the overarching brand for the intellectual property law firm Marshall Legal, the registered trademark attorney practises, Marshall Marks, and the legal services outsourcing business, Marshall Outsourcing.
- Marshall Legal – technology and branding law firm – specialising in providing high quality, prompt legal advice on intellectual property, information technology, privacy and commercial law matters, with a technology bent. This includes preparing and negotiating contracts and dealing with disputes concerning intellectual property and technology law.
- Marshall Marks – registered trade mark attorney practice – specialising in the protection of business’ brands by registering them as trademarks. This includes making sure your use of your brand does not infringe anyone else’s rights and obtaining registration of your brands, both in Australia and abroad.
- Marshall Outsourcing – legal process outsourcing business specialises in helping busy law firms, in-house legal teams, companies, and corporate groups do work that they do not normally do or no longer wish to do. Operating out of the Illawarra, 80km south of Sydney, allows us to leverage a low-cost base to deliver many legal services at a lower rate and comparable quality to providers in larger cities.
IP Rockers - Trademark Registrations Australia
IPROCKERS is an international intellectual property services company.
We provide a full intellectual property service to our clients, including filing, prosecution, maintenance, and enforcement of rights. With more than 25 years of experience in the Intellectual Property field, we can truly say that we are the right partner for your business. We have provided services to over 800 customers in more than 60 countries.
IPROCKERS team consists of intellectual property experts in trademarks, designs, and patents. In addition, our team of Account Managers will guide and support you during the whole process.
Our Services
Design search will ensure that your new design will not infringe any existing design registrations. A registered design protects the overall appearance of your product.
Before registering a trademark, search whether it is available for use at all. If yes, register your trademark with us. We will protect your trademark from infringement.
Without a patent, anybody can claim your invention. So to protect your business and invention, file a patent application form to make sure that your invention stays yours.
Meyer West IP - Trademark Registrations Australia
+61 (02) 8896 4335
Trademark and Patent Attorney Services in Sydney Meyer West IP is an Intellectual Property firm based in the Hills District of Sydney and provides services to clients throughout the Sydney metropole and New South Wales.
Trade Marks
The Australian Trade Marks Act defines a trademark as a sign used or intended to distinguish goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade from goods or services so dealt with or provided by another person.
A sign may include any following or combinations: any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, aspect of packaging, shape, colour, sound or scent.
Registered Designs
According to the Australian Designs Act, a design is the overall appearance of a product resulting from one or more visual features of the product. A visual feature includes the shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation of a product. The shape and configuration of a product generally relate to the 3D features of a product, whereas the shape and configuration are related to the 2D features of a product. The feel of a product or the materials used in a product is not the visual features.
Evershine Sydney - Trademark Registrations Australia
Evershine in Australia Sydney is one of Evershine Affiliated Entities in 14 countries, 42 cities.
Evershine affiliates provide one-stop services for MNC's overseas expansion, including incorporation, PEO, Payroll, Accounting, and Tax compliance. Although we are not sitting at your office, we act as your local in-house accountant. CPA Dale Chen founded Evershine in 1992. In the first 12 years, we did traditional tax auditing services for local Taiwan clients. Since 2004, we have invested in IT technology, joined the International Accounting Association, and created English working environments. As a result, Evershine has transformed into a featured one-stop service provider supported by cloud systems. We have been serving approximately 1000 clients in major cities in Taiwan, China, Asia, and other worldwide countries.
All Services In APAC
We act as your in-house accountant supported by cloud accounting and payroll systems. Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Hanoi, Ho-Chi-Ming, Singapore, Bangkok, New Delhi, Mumbai, Manila, Jakarta, Sydney, Melbourne etc.,
Company Registration, Open Bank Account, Work Permit and Resident Card; Online Accounting Services; Payment services; Payroll compliance services;
Trademark Registration Flow
- Trademark Search
- Initial Application
- Substantive Examination
- Publication
- Issuance of Certificate
Alder IP - Trademark Registrations Australia
+61 2 9007 9912
Trademark law is similarly composed of the Trade Marks Act, the trademark registration process with IP Australia, and precedent cases that determine what can or should happen when one business breaches another business's trademark. The difference between a patent and a trademark is that a patent is for the thing itself, while the trademark is used to represent the brand or the product; names, logos, distinguishing marks & stamps, etc.
Whether you believe you need to defend a possible breach or are preparing for trademark registration and the associated evidentiary documentation or want to find out what your options may be, Alder IP’s trademark attorneys can advise and assist.
IP Lawyers For Trademarks
Trademarks are used to distinguish a business’s goods and services from other traders and third parties, bestowing a limited monopoly over the mark. A trademark can be a name, logo, slogan, graphic design or even aspect of packaging. A registered trademark gives a legally enforceable right to commercially use, licence or sell goods and services that it is registered under, and applicants can extend their trademark overseas through the World Intellectual Property Organisation. Our intellectual property lawyers develop effective protection strategies in relation to all types of trademarks and can assist in pursuing or resolving disputes over any trade mark’s use, non-use or conflict with an existing property.
IDS Australia Trademark Registrations
(02) 8003 9788
IDS Australia was founded in 2009 in the heart of Canberra. The Madrid system (officially the Madrid System for the international registration of brands) is the primary international system that facilitates the registration of trademarks in multiple jurisdictions around the globe. The legal basis was formed by the 1981 multilateral agreement of Madrid for the international registration of brands, as well as protocol established for the Madrid Agreement (1989).
IDS Australia ensures that trademark law remains simple and affordable. We use an online automated system that meets international standards.
- Domain names
- Australian trademark registration
- International trademark registration
IDS Australia works with various international organisations that are active in intellectual property. We specialise in registering domain names, patents, brands, trademarks and logos. We also maintain strict supervision and act against any potential infringement on your brand name.
Our Services
Domain Names
A domain name is a unique name on the internet. Usually, domain names are used for websites. You can protect your domain name from third parties who register the same extension.
Trademark Registration
Trademark registration is one of the most effective ways to build and protect a brand. You can register your trademark at both the national and international levels. Register your brand today.
International Trademark
Is your company also active outside of Australia? Then you can also register your trademark at an international level. This way, you can also protect your brand outside Australia.
Australian Patent And Trademark Registrations
1300 138 361
Many clients move to our Patent and Trademark Attorney Firm because we invest the extra time to protect their longer-term position. It also frees them up to concentrate on their business, and they sleep better at night knowing the legalities are being taken care of properly. Our firm’s goal is to minimise litigation risk and exposure. Our Patent and Trademark Attorney firm has a proven track record with optimising patents, designs and trademarks for enforceability (so that copycats don’t exploit gaps).
Our firm also has one of the best track records in arguing applications through the Trademark Office when refused, something not all firms are geared up to do. You do not find this outcome until later when the patent, trademark or design application is assessed. Applying 23 years of patent and trademark Court knowledge and experience when applying for new Patent Applications, Design Applications, or Trademark Applications can make all the difference in the longer term.
Our Attorney firm follows updates to the Patent Act, Trademark Act and Design Act. In addition, our Attorneys spend substantial time reviewing many Court cases to gain knowledge on how to file better patent, trademark and design applications for our clients. As a result, a handful of Court cases that make pertinent legal points are outlined here in our blog section.
Our Attorneys also attend patent attorney conferences and seminars to ensure our clients benefit from the latest correct content for patent, design and trademark applications. It is not the Government’s responsibility to advise you of content mistakes, flaws or whether the patent, design or trademark is technically correct.
IP Australia processes applications but does not check your patent, design or trademark application for flaws that make enforcement problematic or cause the rights to be cancelled at Court. So our attorney services are essential to ensure your patent, design, and trademark applications meet the legal requirements to ensure proper enforcement. Unfortunately, this problem won’t be discovered until the applications are put to the test well into the future, either through an opposition or in Court.
Need A Trademark Registered?
A Trademark protects a brand, logo, slogan or name so that you can distinguish your business brand registration in Australia from your competitors. Trademark Registration in Australia is recommended so you can enforce and prevent other businesses from securing rights to your brand. You can also trademark a company name registration in Australia and a business name in Australia.
What isn’t well known is that a Trademark is only as good as the lodged details, which the Government does not assess. Understanding the trademark laws and your business to ensure that the correct legal details are lodged is essential otherwise, your trademark rights can be removed (or cancelled). A Registered Trademark protects the brand and provides Australia-wide exclusive rights for you to use your trademark in respect of certain goods and services that it is registered for.
A Trademark also supports your entitlement to an A.S.I.C. Registration featuring the trademark, such as a company name or business name. Likewise, domain names can be protected and controlled if you have registered the domain name (website) as a Trademark. Importantly you should never purchase a domain name without checking who owns the trademark.
A Trademark Registration allows you to enforce your Trademark rights to claim through Federal Court compensation (damages) or lost profit when a rival has used your trademark. Contrary to belief, an A.S.I.C. Registration for a business name, company name or domain name DOES NOT provide any legal rights or ownership of a brand or logo. Only the Trademark Registration does, and only if you comply and meet the requirements of Trademark law. Trademark requirements are not part of the Trademark Application process but are ongoing compliance and obligations as you trade with the trademark. Only a legal practitioner can guide you through this as your business trades.
IP Service International - Trademark Registrations Australia
1300 770 084
IP SERVICE INTERNATIONAL is an internationally operating Intellectual Property protection firm based in Sydney, Australia. We are committed to providing effective and cost-efficient solutions to any IP matter. Our team develops well-thought strategies and handles each IP right in accordance with our client's unique business needs. Our comprehensive IP protection services provide a strong foundation to enterprises of all industries and sizes and are designed to provide long term value.
Trade Marks
We provide an end-to-end range of protective services for your Trade Mark across 170+ jurisdictions, both preventative and responsive, including international Trade Mark registration and opposition proceedings.
The law defines a Trade Mark as “a right that is granted for a letter, number, word, phrase, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture and aspect of packaging”. It distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of another. Your logo or name is what makes your brand recognisable. In order to own the rights to your Trade Mark, you should register it.
Costs To Register A Trade Mark
The costs to register a Trade Mark can vary significantly, depending on:
• How many names, slogans, and logos do you use and wish to register
• How many Classes do you need to cover all of your goods/ services
• In how many countries do you wish to protect your Trade Mark
• Whether your application receives any objections or oppositions
The costs payable comprise professional fees and official fees. The official fees vary from country to country.
As a rule of thumb, registering a Trade Mark in one class will cost about A$ 1,000 per country in a smooth case. Contact our team for a free consultation and quotation for your Trade Mark.
- The costs to register a Trade Mark can vary significantly, depending on the number of marks, classes, and countries.
- Our team will provide you with a free consultation and quotation for your Trade Mark.
Arceo IP - Trademark Registration Australia
+61 (6) 6142 659
ARCEO IP is an independent Australian intellectual property firm providing a broad range of patent, trademark, and design registration advice and services. Tim understands your needs with over 30 years of experience in engineering research and product development, including ten years as a patent and trademark attorney. Being a small firm, we operate with small firm efficiencies, small firm rates and small-firm personalised service.
With a solid technological base, ARCEO IP will work with you to draft patents and trademark applications and provide design registration services both in Australia and overseas. Services are securely stored in a cloud-based platform, so workflows are streamlined and cost-effective, utilising the most recent software. In addition, our rates are competitive, enabling us to help you make an informed decision moving forward.
At ARCEO IP, we work with you to protect your brand, including its appearance, content and style, by registering it as a trademark.
Registering your brand as a trademark has a range of benefits, including:
- providing you with exclusive use of the trademark
- defending your trademark against infringement by others
- enabling you to take action against those who are infringing
- increasing the value of your brand.
At ARCEO IP, we provide the full range of trademark services, locally and internationally, including:
- preparing, filing and prosecuting trademark applications
- trademark searches
- infringement advice
- validity advice
- pursuing and defending trademark disputes and litigation, including the preparation of cease and desist letters
- portfolio management and renewals
- trademark enforcement.