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How Can I Practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Alone?

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    BJJ requires you to become skilled at a variety of very specialised moves that you will almost never use again in your life. The more fluid and natural these actions feel, the easier it will be to walk around the mats with ease.

    Drilling is the secret formula for internalising foreign motions, yet it can be difficult to get to the dojo as frequently as you would want or to have a practice partner eager to knock out repetition upon repetition with you. You can watch videos of some well-known fighters, such as Adam Wardzinski Bjj, if you desire. You might think of watching his films as a method of training yourself.

    Even if there aren't as many opportunities to practise martial arts as there once were, there are still a lot of ways for people who practise it to hone their talents at home. Students of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu have never had it easier to perfect the fundamental movements of BJJ than they have right now. Under typical conditions, the vast majority of BJJ students keep themselves occupied by practising innovative new techniques and staying abreast of the most recent BJJ fashions. This is a significant contributor to the overall enjoyable nature of my time spent in BJJ class. Students that attend courses in Muay Thai, boxing, and other forms of martial arts appreciate perfecting showy new techniques, which demonstrates a common thread that runs through the majority of the different styles of martial arts. Students of BJJ, boxing, and Muay Thai often return to their respective classes to work on more advanced techniques because they recognise the value of developing their skills in this area. Unfortunately, with so many fascinating moves to train on, BJJ's fundamental motions sometimes fall by the wayside.

    There are instances when you cannot train Jiu-Jitsu at the gym. It's possible, for instance, that you're away on vacation, that you're too preoccupied to make it to class, or that the gym isn't open every day of the week. When you're in this circumstance, BJJ exercises are a terrific way to practise BJJ while also getting a workout in.

    How Can One Train BJJ on Their Own?

    This is a prevalent problem among folks who want to get in shape but don't have access to a gym or a training partner. Aside from this, there are some individuals who would rather do their additional practise at home than in the gym.

    For a variety of different reasons, working out by yourself is not ideal. One of these is the fact that you won't be able to acquire reactions unless you have a training partner to provide input. You will not receive the necessary feedback to determine whether your techniques are improving.

    Another disadvantage of practising on your own is that you won't be able to participate in any live rolls and determine which method is most successful for you. You really must incorporate real-world scenarios into your training.

    jiujitsu melburne sparring

    The location of the workouts

    First things first, let's have a look at the location of your future workouts.

    This shouldn't be too difficult. It is preferable if there is a large amount of open space, and any area that is larger than forty square feet is more than sufficient for the purpose. You have the option of using a section of your backyard, an unused area in your house, a section of your living room, or even your garage.

    There are a variety of BJJ techniques that can be practised independently. However, in order to accomplish this, you will need a strong foundation in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. If you don't, you won't be able to tell if you're carrying out the tasks in the appropriate manner, and you might as well just be squandering your time.

    So, let's speak about grappling dummies. As was mentioned earlier, different kinds of exercise call for different kinds of equipment. However, it’s a good idea to purchase many training dummies when wanting to maximise the effectiveness of your BJJ practise at home. In doing so, you will ensure maximum efficiency of your practise sessions.

    The Top BJJ Exercises That Can Be Done at Home


    When performing BJJ drills, a bridging motion must always be incorporated into the routine. The hip escape, the technical stand up, and the bridge are the three cornerstone defensive movements in BJJ.

    Even though the BJJ bridge is simple to execute, the vast majority of individuals continue to do it wrong after all these years. The actual motion consists of rolling over one shoulder while simultaneously lifting your hips as high off the ground as you can while doing so.

    Standing guard opening

    Standing is probably the most time-and labor-effective method for opening the closed guard. Standing openers exist in a variety of shapes and sizes, but I normally assign this basic opening to our academy's necessary BJJ drills. Although it involves a number of steps, the results are well worth the effort.

    The starting position for this exercise is on your knees. While bringing one leg forward into a lunge position, the other leg should rotate on the knee such that the toes of the foot can reach the bottom (as much to the side as possible).

    To perform a sumo deadlift, one must keep their body in an upright position while bending the knee of the leg that is not yet off the ground. When you are on someone else's close guard, this is the most secure way to stand up. In addition to that, it is a fantastic practise that you should incorporate into your normal regimen.

    Sitouts in wrestling matches

    One more traditional move in wrestling, this one is an exercise that every grappler should be familiar with. The “sit-out” in wrestling is a technique used to gain control of your opponent's attention and regain ground. It's useful in a lot of different scenarios in BJJ, from getting out of the turtle to getting out of front headlocks.

    Begin on your hands and knees to perform the sit-out exercise. The practise begins with lifting one arm into the air, allowing the opposing side leg to pass through the area where the arm was. After that, you should try to stretch the leg as far as you possibly can while simultaneously lifting your hips and dragging the arm that is off the ground backwards. This will accomplish the purpose. You will then return to the all-fours position and perform the same sequence on the opposite side.

    Break falls

    In contrast to what you might believe, the purpose of break falls is not solely to teach novice trainees how to tumble. They are essential for BJJ training and have their place in Jiu-Jitsu as well. You can even make them more enjoyable and demanding by incorporating a balance exercise in addition to the break fall itself.

    You start by squatting as low as you can from a standing position, then curling into a ball and putting your butt towards the floor so that your body follows the arc of your spine.

    It is important that your head does not make contact with the ground when you are falling and that your arms are extended out towards the side at an angle of 45 degrees. Come up using the same swaying action as a rocking chair, but this time, instead of standing up straight, perform a pistol squat. That'll get your heart racing!


    One of the fundamentals of BJJ that is frequently taken for granted and taught incorrectly from the beginning is sprawling. The encouraging thing is that it is a move that may be readily recalled once more in the future. However, rather than being careless about sprawls and not knowing how to perform them properly from the beginning, why not be clever about them?

    It is critical to remember that your hips should be shifted back during this BJJ drill. This is not a squat-based burpee. Instead, imagine someone attempting to double leg you and forcing you to throw your hips back to avoid the takedown.

    The part that most individuals mess up is when they sprawl with their legs parallel to one another. Alternately, tilt your hips to the side so that one of your legs is longer than the other. Wrestlers make themselves as heavy as possible by sprawling in this manner. Furthermore, alternating allows you to work both sides when performing sprawling BJJ drills!

    The famous Granby Roll

    Wrestling's Granby roll is adapted for usage in Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a means of defending oneself and escaping weaker positions. The Granby roll is an especially effective way to get out of the turtle position. When combined with a strong Granby roll, your turtle defence can become practically unbreakable. After it has been mastered, the move is relatively simple to do. Due to the fact that it requires some work to perfect, several individuals choose not to utilise the move at all. Furthermore, many BJJ trainees believe that doing the Granby roll necessitates an excessive degree of flexibility. When executed correctly, the Granby roll can be incorporated into the BJJ repertoires of even pupils who do not possess a great deal of flexibility. It's not flexibility that's important for a decent Granby roll, but rather solid technique. It is critical to remember that you must not attempt to roll onto your neck or back while performing this action.

    juijitsu melbourne

    Spin a Drop Practice on Your Own and Application

    My initial instruction in the drop spin, sometimes known as "the People's Elbow," came from Marc Laimon.

    It's another option for bypassing your rival's defences, and it works especially well when a guard pass has been successfully executed.

    If you can practise this technique on your own, in solitude, with a heavy bag, learning how to execute it will be a LOT easier. After you have mastered it, though, taking the back will become a lot simpler for you!

    Watch Video Content on YouTube

    Observing a BJJ match YouTube videos are fantastic up to the point where you overwhelm yourself with data and, as a result, forget 95 percent of what you believed you had learned. No matter how hard you try to study, your brain is much less likely to retain information if you never get to use what you've learned in a real-world setting. Yet, in my opinion, even if your mind only retained 5% of the material, that's still better than nothing.

    During this testing time, several highly respected BJJ practitioners are handing out free instructionals, and it would be impolite to not seize this opportunity! You can also find a massive quantity of video on YouTube pertaining to anything to do with BJJ, as well as some pretty intriguing techniques and drills to practise.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Jiu-Jitsu

    BJJ requires you to become adept at using many highly specialised movements that you hardly ever use for the rest of your life. Fortunately, there are BJJ solo drills to help fill the void. Being able to drill at least some of these movements yourself at home or at the dojo before class definitely helps you.

    Wearing a cup during jiu-jitsu competitions is illegal. This is principal because that bit of hard plastic can cause some serious damage to a person's elbow or spinal column with enough applied pressure. So if you can't wear it during a competition, why wear it when you're training for a competition?

    Several websites offer videos with BJJ techniques and concepts. There is also a new open-source online learning BJJ website called, which is 100% free and provides all the best technique videos from the masters intelligently categorised by positions.

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a predominantly ground-based martial art, using the principals of leverage, angles, pressure and timing, as well as knowledge of the human anatomy, in order to achieve a non-violent submission of one's opponent.

    Although both martial arts can be used for self-defense, one surely has an edge over the other. Unlike BJJ, you'll learn strikes and other relevant training, which are effective for street fights. That said, the traditional Japanese jujutsu martial art is better for self-defense and street fights.

    You may practise components of BJJ without a partner. However, this does not indicate that there is no room for improvement. In order to assist you in your training, there are a tonne of exercises that you may perform on your own, as well as films that you can watch. Try flow rolling, strength training, or one of the many activities I suggested above, as examples. Reading about Jiu-Jitsu in a book is another way to increase your knowledge of the art.

    To put everything you've learned into practise, you'll need to train with a partner. As a result, you will be aware that you have certain factors such as time and pressure. Once you've mastered training with a partner, you'll be able to train more efficiently on your own.


    Students of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu have never had it easier to perfect the fundamental movements of BJJ than they have right now. Even if you can't get to the dojo as frequently as you would want, there are plenty of ways for people who practise BJJ at home. However, working out by yourself is not an ideal way to develop a strong foundation in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. You must incorporate real-world scenarios into your training. Therefore, it's a good idea to purchase many training dummies to maximise effectiveness of your BJJ practise at home.

    The sumo deadlift is an exercise that every grappler should be familiar with. The "sit-out" in wrestling is a technique used to gain control of your opponent's attention. Meanwhile, break falls are essential for BJJ training and have their place in Jiu-Jitsu as well. Wrestling's Granby roll is also adapted for usage in Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a means of defending oneself and escaping weaker positions. When performed correctly, the Granby Roll can be introduced into the repertoires of even those with limited flexibility. So, if you've studied Jiu-Jitsu for a long time, you'll want to be able to put what you've learned into practice.

    Content Summary

    • There are instances when you cannot train Jiu-Jitsu at the gym.
    • Begin on your hands and knees to perform the sit-out exercise.
    • Watch Video Content on YouTube. Observing a BJJ match YouTube videos are fantastic up to the point where you overwhelm yourself with data and, as a result, forget 95 percent of what you believed you had learned.
    • You may practise components of BJJ without a partner.
    • Once you've mastered training with a partner, you'll be able to train more efficiently on your own.
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