When choosing a primary school for your child, it's important to find one that best suits their needs and learning style.
In Melbourne, Victoria, there are a number of excellent primary schools to choose from. Teacher-to-student ratios are low, meaning that each child can receive the individual attention they need. Class sizes are also small, which creates a more intimate and supportive learning environment. And because Victoria is home to a number of top universities, you can be confident that your child will be getting a high-quality education that will set them up for success later in life.
So if you're looking for a primary school in Melbourne, Victoria, check out the options available. You're sure to find one that's perfect for your child.
Ultimate List Of Primary Schools in Melbourne
Fitzroy Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9417 7780
Welcome to Fitzroy Primary School, the top French-language school in Melbourne serving families in the western and northern districts of the city. At Fitzroy, we take pride in our welcoming and encouraging learning environment, which fosters excellence in academics, strong levels of student involvement, and the growth of students' social and emotional wellbeing.
Our Learning
At Fitzroy Primary School, our goal is to give kids every opportunity to succeed academically and across the curriculum, while also creating a lively and interesting learning environment.
Enrolments, 2022 Enrolments Are Now Open
We advise organizing a school visit in terms one or two and enrolling your child in the middle of the school year in order to guarantee a position in our Foundation transition programs for parents and kids. Early November is normally when these take place.
Albert Park Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9699 33020
Government-run In Melbourne's Albert Park neighborhood is where you'll find Albert Park Primary School. We are an exceptional village community dedicated to upholding high standards and continuing our education. Respect, kindness, justice, and cooperation are displayed in our relationships. I'm grateful that you came to our school.
General Enrolment Information
To identify the school that serves your zone, go to findmyschool.vic.gov.au. The year before the child is expected to start school, enrollment takes place. By April 30 of the year they start school, the child must be five years old. Only families who can provide proof of residency in our zone are eligible for enrollment (refer to map and required documents below). Without proof of birth (a birth certificate or passport), visa documentation (if necessary), and an Australian Immunization Register certificate of finished immunization, an enrollment is not considered complete.
The No Jab, No Play Act has been amended, and as of February 28, 2018, only documentation obtained from the Australian Immunization Register will be accepted as proof of a child's immunization status. No longer acceptable as proof are records made by medical professionals or other immunization providers. Parents are required to provide the school with an immunization status certificate from the Australian Immunization Register, whether or whether the child is immunized.
Middle Park Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9690 5521
Our school offers students a warm and supportive learning environment. Our committed and knowledgeable teachers provide a joyful and enriching curriculum while taking into account the particular needs and interests of each child.
Our School Zone
Our school zone is described on Find my school.vic.gov.au. The most recent information on Victorian school zones for 2020 and beyond may be found at findmyschool.vic.gov.au. Residents of this area are guaranteed a place in our school, which is based on your permanent address.
In accordance with facility restrictions, the School Placement Policy offers guidance to ensure that students have access to both their designated neighborhood school and the freedom to attend other schools. More information and answers to frequently asked concerns about school zones can be found on the Department's website.
Guiding Principles
Middle Park Primary School aspires to establish a "community of learners" that collaborates for the success of all. By encouraging supportive partnerships, we strive to make customised learning relevant and meaningful for the student. We encourage resiliency, persistence, and independent learning techniques to foster lifelong learning that adequately prepares our children for the twenty-first century.
FAQs About Primary Schools
The application process differs from school to school; however, the process is as follows:
- Application: Parents submit an Online Application for Enrolment with the required documentation to place their daughter on the list of applicants.
- Reconfirmation of Intention: Approximately two years prior to commencement, the Enrolments Team will contact families to confirm their intent to proceed with the application.
- Interview: Families are invited to attend an enrolment interview with the Principal or her delegate (usually the Director of Programs).
- Acceptance of Offer: Upon receiving an offer for a place at the school, parents have 14 days to accept by completing and returning the Acceptance of Offer documentation with the non-refundable acceptance fee.
- Transition: Our transition program begins the year before our girls commence school and are designed to ensure our girls and families feel comfortable with this exciting step.
Melbourne primary schools fees. Public primary schools (state schools) are fully government-funded and free to attend. However, you are usually asked to pay a voluntary school levy per student per year. You will also need to pay for uniforms, some books and extra-curricular subjects and activities such as excursions.
Pre-primary intends that children attend for one year only and then move with their peers to Grade Primary. However, if there is a request for a second year, it will be discussed on a case by case basis.
Children will attend the Pre-primary Program for the school in their neighbourhood/catchment area. Out of catchment requests are considered at a regional level. Don't hesitate to get in touch with your school directly for further information on out of catchment opportunities.
Have a look online to get a feel for the school. Given the pandemic, you may not be able to visit the school in person but look for dates of virtual open mornings or details of online tours. Get a good feel for each school and look at how they are presented and whether the pupils seem happy and well-behaved.
Hartwell Primary School Melbourne
03 9889 6630
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our current, prospective, and future families on behalf of our school community. We share your happiness and responsibility in making sure that your kids enjoy, feel safe, and succeed in their education at our school. Working with your kids is an absolute joy.
We take pride in working together with the school community to deliver a top-notch education. Parents are valued for their support of and involvement in our instructional programs, school events, and organizations like the School Council and its subcommittees. We value your support of the school because it will strengthen the bonds between home and school and enhance the educational outcomes for the kids. We work hard to provide a welcoming environment, and we appreciate input from the local community about our school. We want your time at our school to be profitable and enjoyable.
Glen Iris Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9885 4414
School Profile and Community
Glen Iris Primary School, founded in 1865, is a family and community-oriented school that serves families in Glen Iris and the surrounding areas. 391 students will be enrolled in 17 classes in 2022.
Our talented and highly motivated faculty members provide a solid education that fosters a love of learning and motivates students to reach their potential. A curriculum that integrates science, technology, health and physical education, French, and the arts with an emphasis on reading and numeracy (Visual and Performing).
The F-10 Victorian Curriculum and associated support materials have enabled teachers to create integrated units of study that cover every aspect of the curriculum. This includes energizing the curriculum, integrating ICT seamlessly, and increasing student engagement.
Parents and teachers meet twice a year for official interviews. The first is a casual "getting to know your child" get-together at the beginning of the school year that enables parents to share details about their kids. Then, when parents have received the semester two report, all grade levels participate in three-way conferences with parents, students, and teachers.
Digital Technologies
Every curriculum is now created with the use of digital technology as a core component of the learning environment. Students at Glen Iris Primary School have access to a standardized digital infrastructure in each classroom and the library resource center. For learning purposes, prep classes have access to an iPad library and several Apps. Students in Years 1 through 4 have access to iPads and PC computers, allowing them to effectively collaborate across various platforms. Our Year 5 and Year 6 students have had exclusive use of one iPad and a bank of classroom laptops for the past two years. Each classroom also has an interactive whiteboard and an Apple TV. the visual, performing, and physical arts.
We are fortunate to have access to a flexible space that was built specifically for us at the United Church next to our school. This area serves as a venue for activities held after school and has a section designated for our students' instrumental music lessons. In the church hall, we frequently host neighborhood get-togethers and school assemblies.
Blackburn Primary School Melbourne
+61 3 9878 9963
BPS students have a strong feeling of community and a long tradition of academic accomplishment. Our dedicated, compassionate staff offers top-notch programs and a setting that challenges students' learning in ways that are catered to their individual needs. BPS offers chances for every child to excel in the new millennium in partnership with parents and the school council.
Virtual Tour
While the school still uses the historic building from its first 130 years, it has almost entirely been refurbished in the last ten years. Please enjoy our virtual tour to get a sense of the structures and learning areas that surround our lovely school and to get a 360-degree view of the site.
School Values
accountability, collaboration, Celebrate friendship, fairness and honesty, diversity, manners, and respect. In order to really understand and convey what our school values mean to us at Blackburn Primary School, students and staff worked incredibly hard to discover them. I have no doubt that our students could articulate the ideas and what they mean to you. We have incorporated Credits' personal incentive program into our school's House Competition and principles. These two initiatives make sure that children are acknowledged and rewarded even for being exceptional scholars at our school. Through a range of activities and events, including but not limited to sports, they may support the success of our House Teams.
Wattle Park Primary School Melbourne
There are currently slightly fewer than 400 students enrolled, representing many racial and socioeconomic groups. The school is located on 3.4 hectares of property in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, close to a sizable greenbelt.
Guiding Principles
Children can value and adore learning in the positive and secure environment that our school fosters. In the curriculum, individual needs are taken into account.
We believe children will:
Become more mindful of their responsibilities to others, the environment, and themselves. possess a solid sense of inclusion in a community that respects, values, and cares for them.
One thing that sets the school apart is the priority we give to creating and maintaining a feeling of community. A kind, approachable team that provides each child individual attention achieves this. According to Wattle Park Primary School, the greatest way to prepare pupils for secondary school and a fulfilling life is to foster fundamental skills, self-assurance, and a love of work and learning.
The school community at Wattle Park actively participates in educational initiatives, facility upkeep, and upgrades. There are several chances for both active and passive enjoyment on the grounds, all in a lovely setting. Wattle Park now has upgraded structures and Learning Technology gear and software, putting it in good shape for the future. The school has strong ties to the neighborhood sports scene. Our children play a number of sports outside of school.
Chatham Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9830 6652
The Chatham Primary School is situated in the lovely eastern suburb of Surrey Hills. The majority of Chatham's location is around the northern end of Benson Street, some twelve kilometers north of Melbourne's central business district. The neighborhood is bordered by established and well-maintained homes, parks, and leisure facilities. The institution consequently exudes a strong sense of community and belonging.
The school is situated away from crowded highways and roads. It is a school with a strong tradition of honoring past endeavors, efforts, and successes as well as a highly involved, enthusiastic, and aspirational culture centered on growth and improvement for the exciting times to come. Basically, it's a happy and interesting place for kids, their parents, and the staff. The situation is also
To feel like we belong and are part of something, we need community life. As our children advance through the school system, a dedicated, inspired, and supportive teaching and support staff, as well as an enthusiastic and involved parent community, cheer on and joyfully lead our children's successes and celebrations. The school is headed by an active and engaged Principal who collaborates with staff and parents, a focused and aspirational School Council, and a Parents' Club that serves as centrality in the concept of community.
Send the completed form and copies of your passport and birth certificate back. If you live outside of our immediate area and want to enroll your child, please explain your situation in a letter to the principal. We urge parents to submit these requests as soon as possible to finish important planning for all kids.
Burwood East Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9802 75301
The Department of Education and Training maintains Burwood East Primary School's CRICOS registration. Burwood East Primary School has a distinguished and fruitful academic past. For close to 150 years, the school has given the neighborhood's kids a warm learning atmosphere.
BEPS - Clubs
BEPS provides a huge selection of top-notch extracurricular activities. There are clubs for gardening, choir, and robotics. The programs have a significant positive impact on students with a variety of interests and passions.
Burwood East School Values
At Burwood East Primary School, we place a strong focus on the virtues of respect, responsibility, resilience, honesty, and confidence both within and outside the classroom.
Glenferrie Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9818 0098
Thank you for visiting Glenferrie Primary School. I'm Sue O'Sullivan, and I'm proud to be the institution's leader. We are incredibly fortunate to have a lively, diverse, and engaged school community at Glenferrie Primary, as well as passionate teachers. A vibrant learning community that includes parents, teachers, and students can produce amazing learning opportunities.
We provide a well-rounded education with the aid of a variety of learning technologies that includes rich experiences in inquiry learning, reading, numeracy, Italian, physical education, and the performing and visual arts.
Respect, excellence, confidence, and resilience are educational ideals that promote learning. We want kids to become engaged, compassionate, lifelong learners who are curious, knowledgeable, and caring as they get older. My main duty as principal is to guarantee that every one of our students has the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.
Our Curriculum
To achieve the objectives of the Victorian Curriculum, Glenferrie Primary School uses inquiry learning. We are also attempting to integrate IB practices into our curriculum after being approved as a candidate school for the PYP (Primary Years Program) of the International Baccalaureate. The uniform, extensive, and cogent Victorian Curriculum is a set of prescribed curricula and common success standards for Victorian schools. In order to create student learning activities, assessments, and reporting that are above the Victorian Curriculum, the IB PYP program will act as a framework.
Every student will have the opportunity to reach their full potential with the help of a diverse and individualized curriculum. Differentiated learning, the cornerstone of effective teaching, involves providing students with a range of learning opportunities at a level that individually challenges each learner.
Gender, culture, language, financial situation, aptitude, and individual interests are just a few of the factors that have an impact on students. Teachers create their curricula to take these differences into account in their classes so that all students, regardless of ability, can learn effectively. This is achieved through assessment, a range of learning strategies, concepts, and instructional materials.
In Victorian schools, traditional academic subjects like English, math, physics, humanities, languages, and the arts are taught along with social and physical learning topics like civics and citizenship. They study information and communications technology (ICT) in addition to communication because it is relevant to other courses.
Canterbury Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9836 4415
Located around 12 kilometers from the city center in the leafy eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Canterbury Primary School is a thriving institution. The school aspires to create a student-centred learning environment in which real learning develops intrinsic motivation. Collaborations with parents and the larger local and global community are critical to improving student learning possibilities. The slogan "Our community - our world" captures our belief that our group's deeds, attitudes, and dispositions have an effect on the world we live in, both locally and globally.
Digital technology is creatively applied throughout the organization. Coding, inventive problem-solving, and an ingrained "Maker Culture" promote high levels of autonomy and choice in learning. In the Maker Space and Kitchen classroom, teachers can offer interest-based learning experiences with a focus on creativity and problem solving.
There are programs provided in visual arts, music, physical education, health, and Chinese Mandarin. A strong relationship with a school in Suzhou, China, enhances and broadens cultural understandings while supporting language instruction through collaborative initiatives and student and teacher exchange visits. A homestay exchange program enables interaction with daily life while fostering sincere and enduring ties.
Kerrimuir Primary School Melbourne
(03) 9898 3624
In 1959, as this area of Box Hill North was changing from orchards to a Melbourne suburb, Kerrimuir Primary School initially welcomed students. The postwar baby boom was still going strong, suggesting that the population would keep growing. As a result, the school was able to buy a sizable piece of land to construct on. The bulk of the kids were English-speaking low-income families when the school originally opened. Throughout the following few decades, the university developed a reputation for excellence in all fields.
Today's school population comprises students from many socioeconomic backgrounds. The school currently consists of three primary buildings: a contemporary Senior School building, two other larger buildings that served as the school's original structures.
Learning At KPS
At Kerrimuir, we take pride in the caliber of our curriculum delivery. Warm, welcoming, and qualified teachers deliver excellent quality, comprehensive educational programs from Preschool through Grade 6. Each classroom teacher offers assistance and extension to students who need it, and our specialist teachers who support in this crucial area also provide assistance in the classroom. Through entertaining and difficult work units built around conceptual understandings, the objective is to build children's thinking abilities while laying the groundwork for success in the crucial subjects of reading, writing, and mathematics. Like all Victorian Primary Schools, our curriculum planning is based on the Australian Curriculum and Victorian Essential Learning Standards.
Highvale Primary School Melbourne
61 3 9887 3621
Highvale Primary School is located in the lovely Glen Waverley neighborhood in eastern Melbourne. In addition to a warm, safe, and active learning environment, our school offers a lovely, tranquil parkland setting. Our high-achieving, medium-sized school encourages each student to reach their full academic, social, and physical potential. A team of experts, including dedicated teachers and support staff who enjoy getting to know and value each child individually, supports our 330-student enrollment with enthusiasm.
Our strong sense of community is the result of involvement from our extended family, which is strengthened by our parents, neighborhood groups, and businesses. Our dedication to high-quality, research-based instruction and "best effort" has led to some of the highest levels of student achievement in the state, and this has earned us a reputation for excellence. Our educational initiatives are designed to involve all children, provide them choices, and inspire a love of learning. Visitors to locations frequented by Highvale students regularly remark on how nice it is to host our kids. For further information, see our Principal's Welcome and Educational Rationale.
At Highvale, our students and their successful completion of anticipated learning outcomes across a wide-ranging curriculum are at the center of everything we do. To do this, our school provides a progressive teaching and learning curriculum based on the common body of knowledge, skills, and abilities found in the Victorian Curriculum.
The Victorian Curriculum thus plays a significant role in the school's educational program. Our Curriculum Design is a school-based method for disseminating, enhancing, and extending this common body of information, abilities, and skills in ways that benefit from available assets, knowledge, and circumstances in the area. To fulfill the objective of our school, this is essential. It enables us to concentrate on particular skills and innovative areas while yet guaranteeing a wide curriculum.
We employ evidence-based, high-impact teaching strategies across the board in order to meet each student's developmental learning needs. Our talented and dedicated teachers work together to create innovative teaching and learning programs by thoroughly analyzing student development through thorough evaluation. Each student's needs and skills are supported while being stretched and challenged by unique classes and work units. As a result, our children are encouraged to develop the critical thinking, teamwork, resilience, and curiosity that are necessary for 21st-century learners.
Each Specialist Program is also particularly created to promote classroom learning while also meeting the learning needs of all children. Our Specialist Program includes Mandarin or German language study, physical education (including sport), performing arts (music, drama, dance), and specialized intervention and enrichment (as needed). STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) is also included.
Port Melbourne Primary School
(03) 9646 63652
In Port Melbourne, we have a strong history of offering top-notch education. Our goal is to provide each student with a well-rounded education that encourages leadership, teamwork, creativity, and good sportsmanship.
The institution is a part of the Northern Lights cluster, a group of six neighborhood primary schools that work together to advance student learning outcomes in our neighborhood. The goal of Port Melbourne Primary School is to establish a stimulating, demanding, and compassionate learning environment that inspires students, enables them to realize their full potential, and equips them with the abilities, principles, and information needed to be valuable contributors to society. Therefore, at Port Melbourne Primary School, we value the significance of the entire institution.
At PMPS, curriculum development is a school-wide endeavor rather than the responsibility of a single teacher. We have a responsibility to make sure that every child in elementary school receives a top-notch education. English and math discipline-specific themes are covered in our curriculum preparation, along with more general skills like critical and creative thinking, interpersonal and social skills, intercultural knowledge, and ethical understanding.
Victorian Curriculum F–10
The Victorian Curriculum F-10 specifies what should be taught during the first eleven years of a student's education. Students need a common set of abilities and knowledge in order to engage in lifelong learning, social development, and informed and engaged citizenship. As a result, the curriculum is important. The Victorian Curriculum F-10, which reflects Victorian priorities and standards, includes the Australian curriculum. You can read more about the Victorian Curriculum's structure and subject matter here.
St Columba's Primary School Melbourne
03 9531 4125
Why St Columba's
One of the most significant decisions you'll make as a parent is selecting a school for your child. The guiding influence of your child's school during their formative years is essential to their success now and in the future. It helps them build their faith while also determining their academic route and self-worth. We have a big responsibility here. It's something we value highly.
Units of Inquiry
Pupils in Years 1-6 complete six units of inquiry each year in accordance with the IB PYP framework, while Prep students complete four units. The framework for purposeful, interesting, pertinent, and difficult units of study is provided by six transdisciplinary topics that look at human similarities and are of global significance. Through the units of inquiry at St. Columba's, students can explore a wide range of topics in the Victorian Curriculum disciplines of Science, Humanities, Personal, Social, and Physical Health, the Arts, and Digital Technologies.
Experiences that help students comprehend more are intended to engage, pique their interest, and stretch their thinking during units of inquiry. We see technology, design thinking methods, and STEM fields as learning aids. With a focus on aiding students in building abilities that will benefit them as lifelong learners, the significance of learner agency is emphasized.
Our Process
You must complete an Application for Enrolment form and submit it to the school administration officer along with a copy of the child's birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if applicable), and immunization records once you've made the decision to enroll your child in our school. Along with the application, any pertinent academic, developmental, or medical evaluations should also be included, with the exception of Prep-era school records.