
Best Tips For Finding A Job In Melbourne

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    These recommendations could help you find work if you recently moved to Melbourne.

    Many people aspire to work in Melbourne. The city offers a flourishing job market predicted to grow by about 10% in the next few years and a burgeoning start-up culture for entrepreneurs. Continue reading to find out how to make a job in Melbourne the next step in your career.

    When contemplating a move, numerous factors exist, such as housing, schooling, childcare, and transportation. Workers transferring on a temporary or permanent international assignment may already have some of these factors addressed by their employer's relocation package.

    What Is The Job Market Like In Melbourne?

    Victorian employment has grown faster than any other Australian state over the past five years. Most of these positions have opened up in Melbourne, the state capital.

    The job market in the city is competitive, however. It would be best if you did everything in your power to succeed in your new position, from customising your cover letters and networking before you even start to do so once you've started.

    Perseverance Is Key


    Hard work and dedication account for roughly 90% of your success in finding employment in Melbourne, while 10% is attributed to luck. The importance of timing cannot be overstated. In a single week, you could contact fifty potential employers. You're out of luck if they don't have any available positions. In case you contact the correct person at the right moment, you may land your first interview because someone has taken on a new project or because a team member has started maternity leave.

    Never give up and never stop trying. However, if you keep experiencing the same outcomes, such as declines, action is required. No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to land interviews or land a job.

    Jobs Opportunities Centred Around Central Melbourne 

    Where, then, do most of these employment possibilities exist? According to the Grattan Institute, while there are plenty of job openings throughout the entire Metropolitan area, the greatest concentration is in the City of Melbourne, which includes the Melbourne Central Business District, Southbank, Docklands, North Melbourne, Parkville, and other inner-city suburbs. 

    The Central Business District (CBD) of Melbourne is home to a wide variety of businesses and institutions, from the headquarters of multinational corporations to a slew of hotels, restaurants, bars, and cafes, as well as the education and research facilities of the University of Melbourne Parkville and several major public hospitals, including Royal Melbourne and St. Vincent's.

    Employment Growth Expected Across Other Locations 

    While the majority of job growth in Melbourne has been experienced in the city's central business district, additional important employment hubs can be found in the central-local government districts of Port Phillip, Yarra, and Stonnington. In addition, the Victorian state government's Plan Melbourne calls for the establishment of "Key Activity Centres" throughout the metropolitan area by the year 2030. 

    These centres will serve as a focal point for the expansion of new employment opportunities as well as the construction of new infrastructure. The implementation of this strategy is expected to result in a rise in the number of jobs available in several key districts of Melbourne, including Footscray, Frankston, and Ringwood, to mention a few.

    Personal Contacts And Networking

    The best way to locate a job in Melbourne is through personal connections, as many openings go unposted. Unadvertised employment openings can be found through several channels, some of which are:

    • Identifying prospective firms in your area and making contact with their human resources departments is an excellent way to start your job search.
    • Sending out feelers to your network to see if anyone knows of any employment openings that would be a good fit
    • joining local "service" organisations like Lions Club, Rotary, or Apex
    • Getting in touch with local business organisations like chambers of commerce and merchants' associations
    • participating in online discussions on LinkedIn by joining groups based on the same interests and geographical proximity to potential employers
    • Volunteering one's time and energy to a cause.

    Melbourne residents and employers place a premium on initiative, excitement, and research and communication abilities, all of which can be showcased through networking. Successful networkers engage the individuals they encounter by showing genuine curiosity, asking pertinent questions, and, most importantly, actively listening and acting on the advice they get.

    On Arrival

    There is typically no need for a partner to have a job set up in advance since they and their children are covered by the primary working visa. Families often relocate first, giving everyone time to settle in before anyone starts looking for work.

    One has more time to make connections, investigate potential jobs, settle into a new routine, and go to in-person interviews.

    After moving to a new area, recruitment firms and newspaper classifieds can be helpful resources for finding work if a candidate has family in Australia, which gives potential employers confidence in their dedication to the country and their eligibility to work.

    In-Person Applications

    Australians often still submit their resumes and cover letters to employers in person. Deliver hard copies of your resume and cover letter to the company's reception with a handwritten note directed to the attention of the hiring manager. Potential employers will see that you are enthusiastic about the position, which could elevate your application to the forefront. It could also assist you in getting your hands on positions that haven't even been posted online yet.

    Online Job Websites

    Many companies use job-hunting sites to post ads. All over the news, there are brand-new job postings. You can create a free account so that relevant job postings can be emailed to you.

    When looking for a career, you can benefit from the advice provided on some of these websites.

    In-Demand Industries


    Professionals in particular fields are in high demand in Australia. There is a thorough and up-to-date list available online from the Australian government's Department of Immigration and Border Protection. This list is a good starting point for anyone searching for work in a foreign nation, regardless of whether or not they need to provide evidence of specific skill sets in order to obtain a visa.

    Nurses, doctors, daycare directors, architects, engineers, regular and special education teachers, analysts, programmers, social workers, and many more are now on the list.

    Voluntary Work And Work Experience

    Work experience and voluntary employment might include paid or unpaid work in the public or commercial sectors. This work gives you an understanding of the Australian labour market as well as useful work experience to help you apply for employment and build your talents. Voluntary labour and work experience can also lead to the collection of Australian referees that can aid in your employment search.

    Volunteer opportunities and internships can be found through various means.

    • making contact with potential employers
    • letting loved ones know you're on the lookout for internships and volunteer opportunities
    • looking for volunteer and internship opportunities online.

    Do your homework and organise your questions in advance of approaching a potential company for work experience, just as you would for a job search or networking event. Be well prepared with an up-to-date, expert resume.

    Working From Home Jobs

    Employers and employees alike can benefit from the rising popularity of work-from-home and internet-based opportunities, which provide substantial cost savings.

    On the one hand, businesses can reduce their spending on things like electricity, office equipment, and rent, while on the other side, you can reduce the time, sleep, energy, and money you spend on maintaining your personal life. Picture this: you slip on your favourite pair of UGG boots after a long night, wake up, make some coffee, and walk the ten steps to your desk.

    Capital locations like Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Sydney are where you'll find the greatest concentration of remote work opportunities. However, the number of remote jobs is increasing, and several may already be found in rural New South Wales.

    As of right now, one in three Australians has a monthly income stream originating from their own homes, up from one in twelve just a decade ago. Technology and the internet have advanced at such a rapid rate that we may now avoid the dread of the daily drive, work in our pyjamas, and spend more time with our loved ones.

    Average Salary

    There is a wide range of typical salaries in Melbourne, as there is everywhere else. Remember that the cost of living in major Australian cities is relatively high, and weigh that against your expected earnings before making a commitment.

    Men in Australia earn an average of 242.50 Australian Dollars (157 US Dollars) per week, more than women do in the United States. Workers in the state of Victoria can expect a weekly pay of about 1,600 AUD (1,040 USD).

    Minimum Wage

    In contrast, Australia's minimum wage is only $12.65 per hour or 19.49 AUD. This is roughly 740 Australian dollars (480 US dollars) made (before tax) for every regular 38-hour work week, or about $38,520 Australian dollars ($25,000 USD) a year.

    The Top Occupations In-Demand In Australia 2020-2021

    Nurses And Medical Staff

    Many factors influence Australia's suitability as a place to relocate and work for a licenced nurse or other medical professional. There is a heightened demand for nurses due to the industry's growth and the fact that a big number of nurses and medical professionals are reaching retirement age, resulting in high employment ceilings.

    Most recent five years have seen a rise in the healthcare industry and this is expected to continue through 2022 as well. The most sought-after occupations in this industry include nursing supports, personal care workesr, receptionists, disabled and elderly caregivers, and registered nurses.

    Software Programmer And IT

    In the IT industry, there is a growing and urgent need for software developers with a wide range of skills, such as front-end and mobile,user experience, full-stack development, back-end design, and more. In fact, research from last year shows that nine of the top fifteen most-advertised jobs were for software engineers, developers, and UI/UE designers.

    Trades And Construction

    It's hardly surprising that joiners, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians are among the highest-demand occupations because of the constant need for their services in the construction industry. The need for unskilled labourers has also increased. As a result, your job search will go more smoothly if you already have relevant work experience.


    Australia used to want a lot of elementary school teachers from other countries, but that has changed in the last few years.Although opportunities for foreign-born educators are limited, they do exist, notably at secondary institutions located in less populous regions. Because of this, it continues to be one of the most competitive jobs in the country.

    Many newly-minted Australian educators, in fact, find that their first teaching jobs are located in rural areas. Primary school teachers who are women and who work in urban areas are the least in demand within this set.

    White-Collar Management/Professionals

    There is a growing need for a wide range of white-collar managerial and professional jobs, just like there is for software developers. Jobs are things like accounting, marketing, and advertising. So, if you have experience and training in these kinds of jobs, it will be easier for you to find a job.

    In Australia, skilled workers have always been given preference when it comes to immigration. If you have a managerial or professional job or talent in this field, you are in a good position to get a job.

    Automotive And Engineering Trades Workers

    Motor technicians are in high demand in Australia, especially those with specialised skillsets like vehicle electrical work, automatic transmission repair, air conditioning repair, and brake repair.

    Metal fabricators, welders, panel beaters, sheet metal workers, fitters, and  metal machinists also fall into this group, albeit the demand for their services differs among the Australian states.


    A large number of qualified engineers are needed in a variety of fields, and this demand exists even if engineering is not among the top industries and professions that attract migrants.

    Mechanical, industrial, electronic, transportation, and electrical engineers are all part of this category.


    There is a need for temporary farm labourers in Australia, as there is in many Western countries, to assist with routine jobs like crop picking. However, there are also many chances for those with higher levels of training and education in the agricultural sector.

    In Australia, you may farm on a scale you never imagined and get paid well for it, whether you specialise in dairy or mixed crops.

    The 2019 list still includes 5,934 cattle farmers. For the first time ever, that number is zero. Farmers and agricultural workers are still needed in Australia. However, this is the only occupation category to be removed from the list.


    It is predicted that the job market in Melbourne will grow by 10% in the next few years. The city's job market is fiercely competitive, even amongst the most qualified candidates. Our advice on securing a job in Melbourne will help you take the next step in your career.

    There has been a significant increase in the number of jobs in Melbourne's CBD. Yarra and Stonnington, as well as Port Phillip and Stonnington, are also important employment centres.

    According to the city's master plan, "Key Activity Centers" will be established across the metropolis by 2030. In Australia, one has more time to meet new people and look for work. If a job seeker has Australian relatives, recruiters and newspaper classifieds can be valuable resources for locating employment.

    The collection of Australian referees can also be obtained through volunteer work and work experience. From one in twelve a decade ago, one in three Australians now works from home.

    Work-at-home and internet-based opportunities save both businesses and employees money on overhead expenses. It is common to find a large number of people in major cities such as Melbourne or Perth or Brisbane or Sydney.

    The most sought-after occupations in healthcare are nursing supports and receptionists. Carpenters, joiners, plumbers, and electricians are some of the most in-demand professionals in the building trades. Software developers accounted for nine of the top fifteen most advertised jobs in 2013.

    When it comes to immigration, skilled workers have always had an advantage. In order to get a job in this field, you need to have a managerial or professional job or a talent in this area. There is a high demand for automotive and engineering trades workers. Australia still has a need for farmers and agricultural workers.

    Content Summary

    • While the majority of job growth in Melbourne has been experienced in the city's central business district, additional important employment hubs can be found in the central-local government districts of Port Phillip, Yarra, and Stonnington.
    • In addition, the Victorian state government's Plan Melbourne calls for the establishment of "Key Activity Centres" throughout the metropolitan area by the year 2030.
    • The best way to locate a job in Melbourne is through personal connections, as many openings go unposted.
    • One has more time to make connections, investigate potential jobs, settle into a new routine, and go to in-person interviews.
    • After moving to a new area, recruitment firms and newspaper classifieds can be helpful resources for finding work if a candidate has family in Australia, which gives potential employers confidence in their dedication to the country and their eligibility to work.
    • Voluntary labour and work experience can also lead to the collection of Australian referees that can aid in your employment search.
    • Employers and employees alike can benefit from the rising popularity of work-from-home and internet-based opportunities, which provide substantial cost savings.
    • Capital locations like Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Sydney are where you'll find the greatest concentration of remote work opportunities.
    • However, the number of remote jobs is increasing, and several may already be found in rural New South Wales.
    • As of right now, one in three Australians has a monthly income stream originating from their own homes, up from one in twelve just a decade ago.
    • Remember that the cost of living in major Australian cities is relatively high, and weigh that against your expected earnings before making a commitment.
    • In the IT industry, there is a growing and urgent need for software developers with a wide range of skills, such as front-end and mobile,user experience, full-stack development, back-end design, and more.
    • It's hardly surprising that joiners, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians are among the highest-demand occupations because of the constant need for their services in the construction industry.
    • There is a growing need for a wide range of white-collar managerial and professional jobs, just like there is for software developers.
    • So, if you have experience and training in these kinds of jobs, it will be easier for you to find a job.
    • In Australia, skilled workers have always been given preference when it comes to immigration.
    • If you have a managerial or professional job or talent in this field, you are in a good position to get a job.
    • However, there are also many chances for those with higher levels of training and education in the agricultural sector.
    • Farmers and agricultural workers are still needed in Australia.
    • However, this is the only occupation category to be removed from the list.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Melbourne is a city notorious for how hard it is to find a job. Especially if you don't have experience in the career you want to pursue.

    The amount of people living in the city, the skilled job seekers, and the fact that a lot of companies outsource their workforce makes job hunting in Melbourne really hard.

    Jobs in Melbourne can be competitive, with both nationals and expats from around the world in the jobs market. ... Often there are more jobs available in rural Australia than the urban centres, which is why Melbourne can prove more difficult for finding work.

    Melbourne as a city has a well-developed job market, which makes it easier to find a workplace, even for unskilled workers. While not cheap, the average house in Melbourne is around A$100,000 less than in Sydney. Accommodations are the biggest expense in Melbourne.

    Between the ages of 11 and 13 — In Melbourne, everyone who is at least 11 years old and above can legally work only in delivery occupations.

    The minimum age for other jobs is 16. These would include the distribution of things like newspapers, pamphlets, and so on.

    The majority of these employees have become available in Melbourne, Victoria's capital. However, the city's job market is competitive in general.

    You must offer yourself every edge imaginable by personalising your cover letters and networking, both before and throughout your new employment.

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